Coping With Nail Infections and Psoriasis
Psoriasis does not only affect your skin — high percentage of individuals who have psoriasis also suffer from nail psoriasis or yeast and fungal infections of the nails. A wide array of treatment options is available to treat nail infections.
Why Are Nail Infections More Common With Psoriasis?
If the skin surrounding your fingernails and toenails is affected by psoriasis, it may be easier for yeast, fungi, and bacteria to enter your body. Your skin may be dry, or have tiny cracks, which provide microorganisms with an entry point into the tissues of your fingers or toes.
Once yeasts and other microorganisms enter your body, the tissues beneath and surrounding your nails provide a perfect environment for them to grow and multiply. As a result, a hard to treat nail infection may ensue. Untreated, your nail may separate from your toe or finger. The infection can easily spread to other nails, fingers, or toes.
If you are taking medications to control your psoriasis, you may be more susceptible to yeast and other infections as well. Medications that reduce your ability to fight infections are immune suppressant drugs, such as steroids. Steroids are often prescribed for sufferers of psoriasis as a means to decrease inflammation and itchiness. Hormonal medications may cause an overgrowth of yeasts too.
Other Causes of Nail Infections
As you grow older, it is likely that your circulation will not be as vigorous as when you were young. This is especially likely to occur in your feet. As a result of sluggish blood flow, your immune system does not fight infections as efficiently as when you were younger.
Prior to the age of 60, approximately 10 percent of people contract nail infections. Between the ages of 60 and 70 that rate doubles. After the age of 70, 50% of people contract at least one nail infection.
If you are a man, you have a higher likelihood of contacting a nail infection than if you are a female. Nail infections tend to run in families.
Working or playing in wet, hot environments gives yeasts and other microorganisms an excellent place to reproduce. Hot work boots, gyms, and public pools are notorious for creating yeast friendly environments.