Using Bathing Practices which Damage Your Skin
If you have psoriasis, it is essential that you care for your skin in a gentle manner. Avoid the use of very hot water when you shower. Limit bath products to those which contain natural, soothing ingredients that do not dry out or inflame your skin. Be sure to clean your skin after exercising. Avoid using loofas, brushes, and coarse washcloths. Buy simple soaps which provide moisture and are fragrance free. Glycerin based soaps and products made with oatmeal are often beneficial.
Rather than applying moisturizers which are laden with irritating chemicals, try this Ayurvedic practice. Massage your body with a natural oil prior to your shower. Rinse the oil off while you are bathing. Your skin will be softened, protected, and moisturized without the use of products which contain harmful and irritating ingredients. Be careful not to apply too much oil or your shower floor may become slippery and become a fall hazard.
Untoasted sesame oil is traditionally recommended by Ayurvedic experts. Other beneficial oils include apricot kernel, avocado, grape seed, and calendula.
Apricot kernel oil is excellent for sensitive skin. It contains large amounts of healing vitamin A and possesses a nice texture. Apricot kernel oil has a short shelf life. Add several drops of vitamin E to it in order to keep it fresh.
Avocado oil also has a short shelf life. It is extremely nourishing, as it contains many vitamins. Avocado oil is an outstanding choice if you have mature skin.
Calendula oil is an infused oil. You may make it or purchase the oil from an herbalist. Calendula is a flower which contains a multitude of anti-inflammatory, healing, and protective qualities.
Grape seed oil has a long shelf life. It is a fairly light oil which is well tolerated by most people. You may want to use it to extend the amounts of other oils as it is less costly than the apricot, avocado, or calendula oils.
If you prefer to use fragrant bath products, add a few drops of essential oils to the base oils. Essential oils which may reduce symptoms of psoriasis include lavender, chamomile, cedar wood, juniper, melissa, patchouli, rose, and lemon thyme.
Steps to Better Management of Psoriasis
It is simple to get off track and take actions which worsen symptoms of psoriasis. With awareness and planning, it is easy to adopt new habits that reduce symptoms and enhance the health of your entire body.
Eat well, drink plenty of fluids, check out new strategies for relieving itchiness, and enjoy some luxurious bathing practices. You will feel better, look fabulous, and find that your skin becomes healthier with each passing day.