Lower Your Blood Pressure

How to Lower Your Blood Pressure With Psoriasis

Well, the word is out there now about the connection between psoriasis and high blood pressure. Those who have psoriasis on greater than 10% of their skin – called severe cases – are 48% more likely to have high blood pressure.

If you're in that group of people, you could do one of two things. You could look at it from another perspective and say to yourself, “Well, that means that 52% of people with severe psoriasis don't get high blood pressure!

However, the best way to look at it is to say to yourself, “I am going to make sure I do everything I can to prevent the development of high blood pressure."

What is it that you can do to lower your blood pressure? Here is a list of guidelines for you to make sure you are following now that alternative health practitioners utilize for those with high blood pressure:

Normalize Your Weight

Do you need a diet? If you are overweight, your blood pressure will rise. Dropping weight a mere 10% can be enough to drop blood pressure. Even if you have to drop your weight 20% in order to drop blood pressure enough to reduce prescription medications, it's well worth the effort. You will gain remarkably in your health in all aspects by achieving ideal body weight and anti-inflammatory diets are said to work well for those with psoriasis, too!

Make Your Arteries Healthy

Are your arteries lined with plaque? If so, you may have infections that are at cause. Scientists found that the more infections one had in their lifetime, the greater the chance they developed hardening of the arteries, which may also be associated with high blood pressure. What's the solution? It's to get rid of the gum disease with the gum infections, eliminate the lung or sinus infections once and for all, and eliminate the toenail infections. Get on it! There are herbs that will help with these right away.

Vegetables Matter

Are you avoiding your vegetables? Now come on, do you really need Mommy around as an adult to tell you that you must eat those vegetables? Vegetables are one of the easiest ways to reduce your blood pressure. The greater number of vegetables you eat, the more your arteries – and health will improve. Eating veggies will decrease your cravings for foods you should not be eating as well – and you won't even need any will power for that!

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Dehydration is the Enemy

Are you drinking enough water? Water normalizes many of the body's functions, and since blood is primarily composed of water, a deficiency of water can affect blood pressure. How much water is enough? One ounce for every 1 to 2 pounds body weight is a good goal to start with and then increasing it to one ounce for every one pound body weight after that is best.

Are You Eating Enough Fruit?

Berries are great for your arteries because they supply you with vitamin C. What about persimmons? Persimmons can prevent stroke from occurring. These are the bright orange fruits that are shaped somewhat like a heart and are gooey when ripe. The best way to prepare them is to freeze them when they are ripe, then run them through your juicer. They'll come out as soft serve and you need no sweetener with them at all. Add a dab of whipped cream and nuts and you're good to go!

These guidelines could also help your psoriasis symptoms improve!

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