Herbs from the Amazon

Herbs from the Amazon Rainforest for Psoriasis

There are several herbs from the Amazon Rainforest used for psoriasis, usually in combination with each other.

The reason why Amazon Rainforest herbs are used is because these herbs haven’t had a chance yet to be hybridized or genetically engineered to have more of one ingredient than another. These two practices are clearly against the code of herbalists who know that in order for herbs to be effective, it’s important to use herbs that are pure in every way, shape and form.

Herbs for Psoriasis Work Well

Here’s a list of five herbs from the Amazon Rainforest which could help improve your psoriasis, and why each of them is used:

  1. Cat’s Claw – This herb inhibited inflammation from 46 to 89% in various animal and test tube studies, according to Leslie Taylor, author of The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs. Inhibiting inflammation is important for psoriasis. The standard dosage is 1 to 2 grams two to three times a day.
  2. Mullaca – Used widely in Brazil for skin disorders, this herb is antibacterial, antiviral, and anticancer. Two to 4 grams are taken daily.
  3. Samambaia – This herb promotes perspiration, relieves psoriasis, reduces inflammation and protects skin cells. Extracts from the rhizomes were shown to stop the cell overgrowth and skin thickening in psoriasis and the severity of the disorder was lessened. In Spain, an extract was made that was an official treatment for psoriasis, and the treatment lasted three to six months.
  4. Samambaia blocks the production of leukotriene and is immunomodulating, calming down an overactive immune system. Dosage is 1 to 2 grams taken daily.
  5. Pau D’Arco – This herb is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and anti-yeast while it also has anti-inflammatory properties. The proper way to prepare it is to make a decoction and boil it for 10 minutes and then drink it after it cools. The normal dosage is only ½ to 1 cup taken two to four times a day.
  6. Bitter Melon – With broad spectrum antibacterial properties, bitter melon can make a difference in cases of psoriasis where there’s a bacterial cause of the disease, or infection has set in. One to 2 grams is taken daily. The herb also lowers blood sugar, blood cholesterol, and is anti-inflammatory.
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Topically, there are oils from plants that are effective for psoriasis. The top two are called andiroba oil and copaiba oil.

  1. Andiroba Oil – This oil is a rich source of fatty acids with up to 9% as linoleic acid. Andiroba oil has antiparasitic and insecticidal properties. The oil has been used topically for psoriasis for decades in native cultures.
  2. Copaiba Oil – Tribes of the Northwest Amazon use copaiba oil for psoriasis and skin disorders. The resin from the copaiba tree is the highest source of caryophyllene, well known for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Always research the herbs before you begin taking them. In your research, search for reasons why you should not take them. For example, if you are pregnant, always look for any instructions pertaining to pregnant women. The instructions may also list those who have certain illnesses who should not take the herbs.

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