4 Methods to Help Soothe Psoriasis Scars

Do Psoriasis Scars Go Away?

Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin condition that results in the person suffering from a flare-up that causes raised, red, scaly skin lesions that can be sore and itchy. On their own, these lesions do not tend to leave scars — they generally disappear completely with a good treatment and skin care regime. However, they can be incredibly itchy and painful. If someone suffers from a flare-up and scratches at these lesions and breaks the skin, this can lead to scarring. So, do psoriasis scars go away? Let’s find out.

Psoriasis and Skin Discoloration

What is more common with psoriasis sufferers is having to deal with skin discoloration for a period of time after a flare-up. Even after the lesions have healed, the skin can retain a redness that looks a little like a rash, or patches of discolored skin. The good news is that this discoloration can be remedied with a bit of patience and a good skin care regime.

Staying Moisturized

A great way to prevent and reduce scars associated with psoriasis is to continuously moisturize your skin. Even when a flare-up is not present, make sure you moisturize your skin several times during the day to make sure your skin does not get dry. When skin is dry, the likelihood of cracks occurring is increased and cracked or broken skin is what can trigger a psoriasis flare-up. Bio Oil is a branded treatment you can get over the counter, which is known to reduce the appearance of scarring and ensures the skin is always kept hydrated. Apply it to your skin regularly.

How to Remedy Psoriasis Scars

There is a range of ways to treat and reduce scarring as a result of psoriasis and these include medical and natural methods.

1. Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion is one treatment for many types of scars. As described by DermNet NZ, it involves the removal of the top layer of skin so a fresh layer can form. As this is a surgical procedure, it is important to care for the skin well after treatment. The skin can be itchy and sensitive after treatment, so it is important not to scratch or irritate it so it can heal nicely.

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2. Medicated Ointments

There are also medicated ointments and treatments you can try to reduce the appearance of scarring and help reduce skin discoloration, including corticosteroid and tretinoin. Corticosteroid can be applied as a topical ointment, or it can be injected under the skin to break up the scar tissue. Tretinoin speeds up cell turnover, so skin with discoloration or scarring can be turned over faster and a fresh layer of skin can take its place.

3. Aloe and Oils

You can also consider natural remedies to reduce the effects of scarring on the skin. You can try Aloe vera or coconut oil, as both are able to hydrate the skin effectively very quickly.

4. Potato Juice

Although better known for its success in treating acne scars, cutting a potato in half and rubbing the potato juices onto your skin is also known to help reduce the appearance of scars. They have high levels of potassium and vitamin C and vitamin C is fantastic for helping treat psoriasis, reducing the impacts of any scarring. Vitamin C helps scarring by increasing the levels of collagen, which helps to promote healthy-looking skin.

Understanding Types of Psoriasis Scars

One type of psoriasis scar that will remain is any scars associated with biopsies. Many psoriasis sufferers will know the ordeal of going to various skin specialists to get a diagnosis, and often that involves taking a small biopsy from the site of a flare-up. This often requires a circular piece of skin being lifted and removed. When this heals, a small circular scar that is generally lighter than your normal skin color remains. This scar will be permanent.

Another type of scarring that is associated with psoriasis can be found on the scalp. When lesions are scratched and irritated, scarring can occur on the scalp. This can lead to patches where the hair may no longer grow, which is referred to as scalp alopecia. In many cases, this is a temporary condition.

Again, the best method to treat this type of scarring is prevention. Avoid scratching your scalp and use psoriasis shampoo when you wash your hair. If you subconsciously scratch at your scalp, keep your fingernails short to reduce the impact. This makes it less likely that you will break the skin. However, should it be too late for prevention, there are ways to manage the condition and reduce the scarring. Corticosteroids are also an option for this type of scarring. They can either be injected locally, applied topically, or taken orally to help with the scarring and promote the growth of hair in this area.

Psoriasis Scar Prevention

The main way to prevent psoriasis from leaving scars on your skin is to treat it as quickly as possible and to avoid irritating it as much as you can. Avoid scratching when it gets itchy. Instead, try moisturizing or using treatments like coal tar to reduce inflammation, itch, and redness. Keep your skin moisturized as much as you can during a flare-up and consult your doctor early so they can advise the best treatment options.

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