How to Avoid Psoriasis Flare-Ups This Holiday Season

Avoiding Holiday Psoriasis Flare-Ups

Psoriasis is not only a condition that causes a lot of pain and discomfort, but it can lead to feelings of embarrassment when a psoriasis flare-up is visible to others. While you know that your condition does not pose any harm to others, lack of education among the public can make you feel alone at times. As the holidays quickly approach, you may be facing them with fear due to the symptoms of your condition. While it is easy to sit back and let your psoriasis take a negative toll on your holiday, there is no reason you have to. By using this simple guide, you can enjoy your holidays to the fullest, and avoid the negative effects of your Psoriasis.

Plan Ahead

Planning ahead for better symptom management is the best way to enjoy your holidays without this condition taking a negative toll on them. If you know certain chemicals or fabrics tent to make your break out more, avoid them for weeks before the holiday arrives. There’s nothing worse than aggravating the symptoms of psoriasis when this could easily be prevented.

Meet with your doctor prior to the holidays and ask them about any redness or swelling that has you concerned. They may be able to recommend treatments that can work on a short-term basis to control these symptoms, like an oatmeal bath, allowing you to get through the holidays without fear.

Dress Accordingly

While those you love know your psoriasis is not anything to cause alarm, you still may feel uncomfortable if you have a visible psoriasis flare-up. The good news is that the winter is a wonderful time for covering up the skin and reducing visibility, almost every area of the body could be covered during the winter, and you can even make a cute fashion statement in doing so. When choosing the right outfit for your holiday party, do not forget the power of thick turtle necks and silk scarfs.

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Avoid Any Possible Allergies

While psoriasis does not need any additional allergens for a psoriasis flare-up to occur, they certainly do not help. You are spending a lot of time outside of your safe environment during the holiday season, but you need to prepare to avoid any cause for a reaction while you are out there. If you already know what tends to aggravate your condition, you know how important it is to stay away from these items, but if you are not sure what tends to cause issues it is important to become familiar with the most common causes. Animal fur and dandruff is one cause of aggravated skin conditions, while strong perfume lotions, dust that contains dust mites are also causes for concern. Even if these are not present at your own home, they may be at parties you attend, but simply avoiding direct contact should be enough.

Reduce Stress

Stress can cause the immune system to weaken and cause your psoriasis to act up out of nowhere and cause a reaction you may not be ready to deal with this holiday season. Rather than worrying about an issue occurring, focus on enjoying your holiday to the fullest. Your body will release lots of immune-boosting, positive hormones that will help you ward off any issues and recover quickly. Remember to laugh, enjoy, eat and most importantly have fun, and you will be sure to have a great holiday season.

Pay Attention to What You Eat

For some people, certain foods may be a trigger. While you may want to try everything among the festive spread this season, be sure to avoid foods that could potentially cause a psoriasis flare-up. These can be foods like:

  • Read meat and dairy. These types of foods can contain polyunsaturated fatty acid. Studies show this component can cause psoriasis lesions.
  • Gluten. For some people with psoriasis, gluten is an ingredient to stay away from. Some people may have a gluten allergy. Eating gluten would then cause additional inflammation in the body, potentially causing a flare-up. So, while you may want bread or pasta, be attentive to how your body reacts to gluten.
  • Alcohol. We know an exciting way to celebrate with loved ones is consuming a drink to warm our souls. However, do this in moderation, as alcohol can disrupt the body's natural immune process, worsening psoriasis symptoms.

In Conclusion

Psoriasis does not have to limit you this holiday season. It may make you more comfortable to talk to your doctor to put a game play in place to avoid triggers, so you can enjoy your time.

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